Sunday, March 9, 2008

Time to Spring Forward!!!

The age we are living in now is telling us with what we see on TV read in books and the news that we are to spring back from God, were the people ( the world ) has a more of a mind set that we don't need God, and you even hear some say that we can even be a god our self, that is sad, we should be springing forward with prayer, reading the great manual ( the WORD of GOD ) that God gave to us everyday. We should be reading the word and praying (and have a love to do it) over anything else in our life, it should be more important then sports, watching TV, shopping, eating, sleeping and yes even over the time we spend with family. Now I'm not saying any of that is bad but we should ( must ) put God as 1st, yes 1st, in our life's.
I believe it should go God 1st, family 2ND, then work (job), than everything else after that.

How do we do that?

Pray to God for the wisdom and discernment.
Proverbs 2:3 Yes, if you cry after knowledge, and lift up your voice for understanding.

So by doing that you are asking God for the wisdom and understanding that you will need in all areas of your life ( exp. how to make time and yes this is the most important part to make time for God in prayer and studying the Word daily, let me repeat DAILY.) How I started with doing it was I just got up early everyday, yes even Sat and Sunday like at 1st just 30 Min's. to then a hour. your like me that's 30 Min's. or a hour of my time I could be sleeping, and you are right, 30 Min's. to a hour with the Lord in prayer and reading His Word will do more for your life that anything else in your life, more than any group meeting, TV show, radio program, CD, or any other book can help you in your life. Everything we need to know is in the Word of God, let me repeat that, everything we need to know is in the Word of God.

So enclosing we need to be springing forward to God, we should be moving more and more closer everyday to him and not moving from him. and if you try that after a few days that 30 min. or hour of sleep you maybe thinking you need it, but you will not even miss it. ( I don't even miss it my self and my mind even on some mornings wakes up ready before the alarm goes of because it Loves to spend time with our Lord JESUS.

The Way of the Master