Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Way of the Master Season Three

The Way of the Master Season 3

If you would like to order it, you can order it thought Delivering Evangelism Ministries and all profits that we get will go right in to the Delivering Evangelism Ministries, it will help us with money for tracts, mission trips that I'm looking into and stuff for training people to go out and reach the lost.

Just email me at for Information on how to order it.


Monday, August 25, 2008

Christine Is going back home to Ohio a new person!

Today I got to meet Christine at the mall, she was staying here with her Dad and in two days heading back to the State of Ohio.

We had a really good talk, and I asked her if she ever thought of what happens after we die, she said she never really thought much about it, but she did believe in a heaven and a hell. She had been to Church when she was little, but through out the years her and her Dad stopped going, and so I asked her, " how do you think someone gets into heaven and she was like well I guess you got to be a good person so I asked her if she thought she was a good person and she was like I'm not sure, so I asked her if she would like to take a small test and see if she was and we was gonna use the Ten Commandments to test her with and after we went threw a few of them around 5 of them, then I asked her if GOD was to judge her how would she be, she was I would be guilty. so then I asked her if she know what JESUS had did for her and asked her if she know what to do and she was I need to ask for forgiveness. I told her yes but that doesn't save us, that we should repent which means confess and forsake your sins turn from your ways, but that still doesn't save you, and told her to put herself like in a court room and telling the judge she was sorry and he telling her well you should be, but you still have to pay for breaking the laws, she was like well I'll do good things, then I told her well the judge would be will I see your sorry, but even if you do good things like you should, you still have to pay a fine. So I asked her so what can you do for yourself and she was I don't know. I could now see the tears in her eyes and now I could see she was ready to hear about Grace. So I told her to put herself back into the court room and now as the judge ask her what she can do, and as she is telling the judge I can't do nothing for myself I have no money to pay the fine, but please forgive me, and them someone she doesn't even know comes into the court room and says I love Christine and to show her just how much I do I'll pay her fine for her and then I asked her if the judge could let her go then she was, not sure , so I asked her if she had a traffic ticket and she had no money to pay it but someone payed it for her then she could go , now she was oh yes he could let me go, so I told her that's what JESUS did for her over 2,000 years ago for her, but she needs to repent and put all her faith in JESUS paying her fine would be how she can be forgiven, then I asked her when is she gonna get right with GOD and she was right now, so I told her I would pay with her, but I was not gonna tell her what to say, just as if she had done something bad to someone and wanted to tell them sorry, she just needs to tell them from her heart and not read a sheet of paper, so she repented and I prayed for her as she did and after she did I told her she needs to read the word and asked her if she had a bible and she had told me she had just got one a few weeks ago and she was gonna read it. So please be praying that the LORD guides her in her walk with CHRIST.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Day at the Park

Today Daniel and I went to the park and handed some Million $ tracts and some big money tracts.

Please pray for Jason, he was a young man that we were talking to and just as I was going to tell him around Christ dying for our sins his friend came up to us and was like we got to go right now we have to be some were, so all I could do was give him the tract save yourself some pain and asked him to read it. So please be praying for him, he is 17 years old and has never heard the Gospel before.
The Way of the Master