Tuesday, March 18, 2008

At the Mall today.

I have a Drop Box in the mall that I have to wait tile 5pm before I can pick up from it, so I had a few minutes and thought I would give out a few $ 1,000,000.
There was a young man that just moved here from TX named Kyle and said hello to him and asked if he had got one of these ( $ 1,000,000 bill tract ) he told me he found one the other day on the floor, so I asked him if he had read the back of it he said "no what's on the back?" So he started to read it and I just asked if he goes to church and he said no, Then I asked him if he thought he was a good person, he said, o yes I'm a very good person. So I asked him if he know about the Ten Commandments and if keep them all, he told me yes, he had keep them all, so we went threw 3 of them and now he knows he didn't keep them and told me yes if he died today he would go to hell but that he didn't want to, so I asked him if he know what Jesus did for him and told him the story of him being in court and not being able to pay his fine, and what could he do he said nothing he could do, so I asked him, but what if someone came in and payed your fine for you can the Judge let you go, and he told me yes, I told him that's what Jesus did for him, and what he need to do was repent ( told him repent means confess and forsake your sins lot of people do not know what repent means ) and trust Jesus like you would a parachute you wouldn't jump out of a plane without it on would you he said no, his ride was now there waiting for him but we shook hands and I asked him to think about what we talked about and he said he would, so please pray for Kyle!!
The Way of the Master