Some times a bad address can be a good address?
I had a deliver to a house but just looked at the number wrong, Alica was out side working on her yard, and as I tried to deliver her the package I had, but then I had notice I had the wrong house, so I told Alicia I was sorry and for her trouble and asked if a $ 1,000,000 would make up for the trouble, she just laughed, then I asked her if she went to church and she told me no because every time she went to a church all she would hear was the young guys that said they were Christians, but then they would talk & act just like any other guys, so we talked about the way a real Christian should act and I told her that the real body of Christ is not a building and in the real body of Christ there is no pretender, then I asked her if she thought she was a good person, then we went through some of God's Laws and then she was like I need to go now and I could see in her eyes that she was under conviction and she said she had to go and would not talk any more, I had a copy of How to live for ever without being religious and asked her to please read it, and to think about what we, talked about she said she would then she took the book and ran into her house, so please pray for her.