Joel then read James Chapters 1- 5
Then I got up and preach the Law & the Gospel of
There was also a lady there that works for the city that
was complaining to Joe (he is the man that runs the Farmers Market)
about us being there, he told her that I have a right by law to be
here, and she told him; "I know he does, but I don't think he should be
here preaching to the people"
I don't know her name, because as I was just saying;
"Hi, my name is Tim" and I also put out my hand to shake
her hand, she just flat out told me; "I don't want to shake your hand!!"
She would not even talk to me.
Please keep her in your prayers, I do not know her name,
but the LORD knows who she is.
Please also keep everyone that was there today and the
ones that will be hearing The Gospel of John
within the next 5 Days in your prayers.
Thanks everyone for the Prayers
May all Praise and Glory go to
Also please keep my Pastor, his family,
and our Church in your prayers.