I had asked Joel on our way there to the Farmers Market if he would like to read from Genesis Chapters 1- 3, were it goes though The Creation, The Creation of Man and Woman, and The Fall of Man. and then after that read John Chapter 1 that tells about The Deity of JESUS CHRIST.
So when we got there, I got up and told people what we were gonna read and to also let them know we had free Bibles for anyone that wanted one. I then let Joel get up 1st .
Then preached the Law and the Gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
He came by to talked to us, told us he is a writer, and they
were traveling through Fort Smith.
We talked for awhile and gave him a HBKS CD and some tracts.
we could maybe get to talk to some of the people.
After we left and I had dropped of Joel at his house, I then had to drive to Van Buren to get some stuff done and as I was driving there I got to thinking that maybe while I was there in that town I could go to the Train Station there, read The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew Chapters 5 - 7)
were visiting the shops, while others were out eating lunch.
Some would stop to sit down and listen as I read and then preached
the Law and the Gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
There was even a man and his son that was in a truck
waiting at stop light. After the light changed they turned
around to come back and listen to the message.
When I got done I was able to talk to them for a little while and it
turned out he was a youth Pastor at a Church and he told me he
had heard me preaching and wanted to come and hear the message.
We talked for awhile about how we as Christians should be out
witnessing to people. I gave them some tracts and a copy of HBKS.
that was broke down in the road and trying to push his car out of the road,
so I turned around to see if I could maybe help him.
When I got to were he was there was also another man and a lady
that had stopped to help him.
After we got the car off the road, one of the guys noticed the million dollar bills in my
shirt pocket and told me that my money was fixing to fall out my of pocket.
I then told him; "That's OK, here you can have some."
They were like; "Cool what is these?"
I told them; "It has a Gospel message on the back,
do any of you have a Christian back ground?"
They said; "Yes we are Christians."
So I then gave them a HBKS Cd and told them; "Please listen to this Cd,
there is two really great messages on it."
They told me; "Thanks!"
I then asked them; "Well do you go out of you way to talk to people about the Gospel?"
They told me; "We try to witness to people from time to time, have you ever witness
to a Jehovah's Witness before?'
I told them; "Yes I have."
Then the lady told me; "Well I am a Jehovah's Witness!"
I was like; "You told me that you were a Christian."
She said; "Jehovah's Witnesses are Christians."
I told her; "No they are not Christians, because they
do not believe in the same JESUS."
So we then talked for awhile about who JESUS is and after
a little while the lady was like; "Well we need to leave, we need to be somewhere."
They they left, but they still have the CD and they both have the tracts.
Please pray that the LORD JESUS will open up their eyes to
the truth, as the guy had also told me that he was not a Jehovah's Witness
but a seeker, meaning he told me; " Just some one that was just seeking for the truth."
I told her; "No they are not Christians, because they
do not believe in the same JESUS."
So we then talked for awhile about who JESUS is and after
a little while the lady was like; "Well we need to leave, we need to be somewhere."
They they left, but they still have the CD and they both have the tracts.
Please pray that the LORD JESUS will open up their eyes to
the truth, as the guy had also told me that he was not a Jehovah's Witness
but a seeker, meaning he told me; " Just some one that was just seeking for the truth."
the Law & Gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST in your prayers.
May all Praise and Glory go to
For those that want to go out with me or just to pray, you can see
the next few days on my web site under events
(marked - Timothy's Challenge -)
I will be trying to update them weekly.
Thanks everyone for your prayers
For those that want to go out with me or just to pray, you can see
the next few days on my web site under events
(marked - Timothy's Challenge -)
I will be trying to update them weekly.
Thanks everyone for your prayers