Thursday, February 5, 2009

JESUS CHRIST is Everything - Paul Washer

Is JESUS CHRIST everything in your life??
One of the biggest keys to reach out to the lost is this, are you ready to take notes?
Here is the keys to reaching the lost.
Key # 1 Is JESUS CHRIST everything in your life?
Key # 2 refer back to Key # 1.

That's the key to wanting to reach the lost, is if JESUS CHRIST is everything to you !!
Because it is all about HIS Glory not ours.
Want to reach the lost that's great lets focus on JESUS CHRIST, so much to were when you get up in the morning, your thoughts are here I am LORD, what can I do for you today?
Then you live for JESUS CHRIST today in a way that is pleasing to JESUS, so people will see your good works and Glorify JESUS.
Then when you are putting your head on your pillow to sleep your asking JESUS did I Glorify you enough today ?( and we can never really Glorify JESUS enough ), so then we must say JESUS please help me to live, walk, talk, act, in a way tomorrow that will Glorify you more.
Then you start the next day the same everyday.
Here I am LORD JESUS !!!
It's all about JESUS CHRIST !!!
not about what I want, but what can I do for you LORD JESUS, as Thomas said " MY LORD and MY GOD ", make JESUS your LORD and your GOD, and live to please HIM.
All for the Glory of JESUS CHRIST !!!
The Way of the Master