Well not really, after being out there for 28 days now, it feels like it has become part of a way of life for me, so not sure if I can really stop after the 30 days are up, I feel like this Nation, this State, this town needs a awaking and a move of God in it like we have never seen in our life time. I am praying for a move of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, upon sinners to come to the SAVIOR & also for a move on the Saints to reach out to them, I am praying for a Army of Saints for the Kingdom of OUR LORD & KING JESUS CHRIST!
That is what this Country - no it is what this dying World needs, it needs for the Spirit of GOD to move on it like:
Genesis 1:2-3
"the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. "Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. "
May the Spirit of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST move over the sea of people in this world and may HE say let there be light, and put HIS light into the lost souls that are out there, that are in the darkness.
Please pray that the LORD JESUS will move upon the earth and put light into those that are in darkness.
My Comfort Zone
For The Next 30 Days!!
May all Glory and Praise go to
The Sermon on the Mount and then preach the Law & the Gospel.
We had went right after Church and there was a few people out there today,
and as I was reading I could see people just getting up and leaving
the park, then before I knew it it looked like there was just my daughter, some lady that was jogging around and I there, but I just keep on reading the WORD and then started to
Preach the Law & the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST.
As I started preaching the Law a white car had pulled up with a few young men sitting
in the car, but they would not get out of the car all the time, that
I was going through the Law and then the Gospel.
Brianna told me after I got done preaching, and we were pulling
away that she believed that those boys had their widow down and was listening, and that
also there was a black car parked with a man maybe in his mid 40's, that had
been sitting there in his car with his widow down all the time I was up
there reading and preaching.
Please keep the people that heard the message today in your prayers.