Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone
Now I know that this is what the LORD JESUS wants me to do. I will, for the next 30 days, read and/or preach at a different place everyday. This has been on my heart long enough and as Jonah, I have put it off long enough. After Pastor Kent's message Sunday from Isaiah 6:8 where Isaiah said "Here am I", it made me think about how the LORD has put this on my heart for some time, but I have not really been saying "Here am I". I have been saying 'I am here LORD, but I am not smart enough or that great with words', just as Moses did. But during that message, I was also reminded of something I heard Ray Comfort say once: 'GOD doesn't want our ability, but our availability'. So today I just put all my faith and hope that JESUS was with me. I called a few brothers and sisters to go with me, but not a one could go with me today.
I really believe that the LORD wanted me to go alone today so that I would truly put all my faith and trust in HIM being with me no matter what would happen. I could feel that today.
There were not that many people there, but I could see people stopping and listening. There were some at one of the gazebos that I could see sitting there looking at me and listening all the time I read and then preached some after using Law then Grace.
Please keep those people that heard the Gospel today in your prayers.
All Glory goes to JESUS CHRIST as I knew HE was with me. All that I was thinking in my mind as I was reading and getting scared, was just how BIG Our GOD is, what all HE can do, and I know that for HIM to watch over me is nothing hard for HIM to do as I am up there for HIM.
When I really put it all in HIS hands, HE gave me the Words of what to say as I preached FOR HIM!!!!!