Saturday, July 5, 2008


Happy 4th of July!!!

Yesterday at the Mayor’s Fourth of July Celebration.
Justin and I gave out over 900 to 1,000 - $1,000,000 tracts, and Justin also gave out some of the Giant money which the kids really loved and some parents were coming up to us to ask for some of the big money, because their kids saw some other kids with some and they wanted one to.
After a while people just started coming in so fast we just both started handing them out to everyone as they were coming down the sidewalk and I believe we gave out around 500 tracts within just around a hour after the people were coming in like crazy.

We got to talk to a few people one on one.
Please be praying for the people that got the tracts and also Brian and David, that I really enjoyed talking to about death and why we really need the GRACE of JESUS CHRIST, we went thur the Law and talked about what sin was and what it really means to truly Repent ( confess and forsake ) and to truly put all your FAITH in CHRIST and CHRIST alone and that there is really nothing that we can do to save our self, that we are to put all our FAITH in CHRIST!!
The Way of the Master