It was great!!!
It was a prayer answered today.
Praising the LORD JESUS for the 31 people that came to the One-Day Evangelism Crash Course and 8 people went out with us to witness after class.
Today was a really blessing:
I lost my job of 12 years right after I signed up for the Ambassador's Academy a week before Christmas I was let go from being a delivery driver for DHL, and Tony called me and when he asked if I had the money I was well not going to have it now, since I was losing my job, so I asked him what about the scholarship, he was well there is not much money in it, but we will pray about it and as soon as we get the 1st one you have it.
It had not even been a week yet and Tony calls me back and says well brother looks like the LORD wants you here, and that after we got off the phone that day they prayed about it and the money just stared to pour in, and that all I needed to do was get there now.
So I prayed to the LORD JESUS asking him to please help me get there if it was HIS will for me to go. Then one of the people that I have been delivering to for a few years, had seen how the LORD JESUS had changed me from the old person I once was and he had even seen me witnessing to someone once, so he told me that he thought he had some flyer points, and he checked and was able to give me a free ticket.
Then when I was there I had 3 brothers, and some of them didn't even know that I had lost my job, but they just out of their heart, with love not knowing what I was going though paid for me to have a meal, just thinking of how the LORD JESUS, works though HIS people puts me in tears just now as I am writing this, and I even had a brother in the LORD pay for my shuttle back to my plane, not knowing what I was going though, do we not have a Awesome GOD or what!!
So I praise the LORD and even with losing my job I know the LORD is with me and will guide my path as long as I trust HIM.
" Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths. "
Proverbs 3: 5-6
I have learned to trust JESUS, just like a child would trust his earthly dad to take care of him.
The Bible tells us to have a child like faith, and after losing my job, it has really been a blessing. Knowing that no matter what, I know that my LORD JESUS will give me what I need, and what is that a faster car?, no he gives us what we really need HIS Word, HE gives us the food we need, and what we need to live on as we are here and just what we need to do HIS will, I have over 4,000 tracts that the LORD has had people give me money to buy.
I am so glad I got to go and meet everyone there the hardest part was not going home, I love my wife and daughter and was ready to be back home with them, but the hardest part was that I could not bring everyone back home with me.
I learned so much that it is just now sinking in and I am putting what I learned into action and I even had 2 young men after the training class today ask me if I could teach them how to Open Air that after watching the DVD today they feel like they would like to do that for the LORD JESUS.
And today was a real blessing from the LORD JESUS CHRIST, I have prayed for over a year to be able to teach the Hell's Best Kept Secret at the Church I go to and today I got to do the One-Day Evangelism Crash Course and over 31 people showed up and 8 when out with us after class and a lot of the people was asking if we were going to do the 8 week Basic Course and they wanted to sign up for it if we were.
May all I do be to Glorify the LORD JESUS CHRIST!