Well no not really. I have had plains of going to Africa for the LORD JESUS, but as now the LORD JESUS has had a Evangelist from Africa come across my blog to me, his name is Belmon Njong and he lives in Douala Cameroon which is in West Africa. Please keep him in your prayers he has been reading and looking at the pictures on my blog and emailing me almost every other day. The letters have been a blessing for both of us and I had sent him and email link to Living Waters In Africa and Wretched Radio and he has listen to some of the Wretched Radio and enjoyed it.
What really touched me was when he told me (" went through your photos and I am richly encouraged by the great work that the Lord is doing through you.")
We just never really can see the really big picture sometimes of some things that the LORD JESUS is using in what we do for HIM, even in what we may see as something small to us, but when the LORD JESUS moves in it just think what can happen ( like the mustard seed ). I would have never thought I would put my blog up for the LORD JESUS and reach someone in Africa, maybe some people around were I live, but JESUS is so much bigger that what we can't even begin to imagine sometimes in our mind just how big GOD really is.
So in all you do know matter how big or small you may think it is, do it for the LORD JESUS CHRIST and to GLORIFY HIM !!!
I hope this will encourage you as it has me.
All for the Glory of the LORD JESUS CHRIST
My LORD and My GOD !!!